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The Ultimate Protection & Wellness Activation Package
Qualify for everything you need to jumpstart your business with the Professional Pack. Our most comprehensive kit includes the entire CENTROPIX line & instant sales qualification for each product. You’ll get the world’s smallest active EMF protection device, BUBBLE, the at-home protection capability of COCOON, and the wellness-enhancing capabilities of KLOUD.
Our Professional Pack offers the best value for your online business. Purchasing this package gives you the ability to begin earning commissions on every product you sell, right away.
*Plus cost of REGISTRATION
Home & Personal Protection Package
Make your business stand out with the versatility of the CENTROPIX BUBBLE & COCOON. Both offer a variety of specialized features—COCOON includes everything your clients need for 24/7, at-home protection, including all 10 CENTROPIX converter cards. BUBBLE is for personal protection at home and around town.
Get the best of both with the Protection Pack.
Be the change
CENTROPIX is on a mission to lead the world into a new age of well-being and wellness, and we want you to be a part of our journey.
By signing up, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the revolutionary CENTROPIX product line and join the movement.
As a CENTROPIX partner you can earn points, make a sale and earn commissions on your new business. Rise through the ranks, and feel good about taking part in a global wellness movement.
We’re beyond excited to welcome you to one of the most forward-thinking communities, ground-breaking technological movements, and lucrative business opportunities this industry has seen in a long time.
The wellbeing and wellness field will never be the same, and neither will you. Take the first steps in joining our worldwide community, and take part in a mission that matters with CENTROPIX.
At CENTROPIX, our goal is to awaken, empower, and inspire global consciousness through the fulfillment of superior wellbeing, abundant prosperity, and a contented heart for all.
With Swiss craftsmanship and German engineering, CENTROPIX is bringing innovative, bio-resonance technology to the market via an inspiration-based, educational, and service-oriented network of like-minded individuals.
CENTROPIX is based on the principles of balanced living, and to us, it’s more than just a company or a transaction, or even a product. CENTROPIX is a global community of individuals who see the value in upholding their wellbeing and wellness.
We envision a “universe of gratitude” achieved through community, education, interaction, service, and support with a common purpose.
Your next chapter can start with CENTROPIX. Our company slogan demonstrates our values best:
BE THE CHANGE - That's the way...
Agree with our vision? Join our community today and help us lead the charge in creating meaningful change.
Die Zustellung erfolgt in der Regel von Montag bis Freitag, ausser an Feiertagen. Die Lieferzeit beträgt im Normalfall 3-5 Arbeitstage. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf der Website Ihres Spediteurs über den aktuellen Zeitplan und eventuelle Ausnahmen.
CENTROPIX versendet nur an physische Adressen, keine Postfächer. Bestellungen mit einer Zwischensumme von mehr als 250 € erfordern eine Unterschrift bei der Auslieferung. CENTROPIX versendet über die Österreichische Post.
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