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In our ongoing journey to find solutions to the challenges of our time,we are proud to present our latest creation - the BUBBLE². This unique pendant delivers active PEMF effects, advancing wearable holistic health technology. There are three changeable chic covers included for your everyday fashion statement.
The B² is a masterpiece from our engineers in the field of wellness and fitness. By integrating natural magnetic field conditions and earth resonance frequencies, better known as Schumann frequencies, the B2 becomes a stylish accessory that can have positive effects on your health.
In our ongoing journey to find solutions to the challenges of our time, we are proud to present our latest creation - the BUBBLE². This unique pendant delivers active FREQUENCY effects, advancing wearable holistic wellness technology. There are three changeable chic covers included for your everyday fashion statement.
The B² is a masterpiece from our engineers in the field of wellness and fitness. By integrating earth resonance frequencies and natural magnetic field conditions, better known as Schumann frequency / field. The B² becomes a stylish accessory that can have positive effects on your well-being.
1. In the last few centuries, the intensity of our Earth’s magnetic field has decreased by more than 50%.
2. Since 2014, measuring stations have recorded significant anomalies in Schumann resonance field conditions, which previously seemed stable. Possible explanations range from shifts in the magnetic poles, climate change, global warming and increased volcanic activity to changes in the Earth’s axis and discharges in the Earth’s atmosphere.
As early as 1975, Dr. Kyoichi Nakagawa, Director of Isuzu Hospital in Tokyo, explained that people suffering from complaints such as neck pain and headaches, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and forgetfulness etc. were actually suffering from magnetic field deficiency syndrome (MFDS). Dr. Nakagawa conducted a questionnaire survey of 11,648 people. The questionnaire included questions about the experience of therapy with magnetic fields. The participants in the studies had the following complaints:
Disclaimer: CENTROIX is a bio-tech company committed to developing the latest wellness and fitness technologies to address prevailing problems. BUBBLE² is based on the idea of using natural-like electromagnetic field conditions to transmit energies and frequencies, primarily Schumann field conditions, to promote grounding, well-being, wellness, fitness and vitality. We are developers, manufacturers and distributors, not healers. CENTROPIX assumes no responsibility/liability for publicly available, possibly non-compliant information and assumptions that may be reproduced by us.
The CENTROPIX Story contains wellness & fitness statements that are based on customer statements (therefore not necessarily applicable to each individual) and have not been evaluated by an independent authority, such as the American FDA (Food & Drug Administration). The CENTROPIX B² story is brand new and at the same time based on teachings, assumptions and knowledge from the western and eastern world.
The Schumann frequency, also known as the earth’s frequency, is more than just a physical vibration. It is fundamental to the balance of body and mind.
The BUBBLE² acts as a personal “grounder” that simulates the range of the Schumann field conditions - frequencies.
In this way, the earth’s fundamental frequency is not only transported but actively integrated into everyday life in order to develop the full potential of your life energy.
All BUBBLE² frequencies are transmitted with the aid with a Sferics-like paths.
“Sferics“ refers to the pulsed occurrence of electromagnetic waves of natural origin in the earth`s atmosphere.
The BUBBLE² uses this Sferics-like technology to optimize the transmission of frequencies and provide you with an effective solution for your well-being.
According to chakra teachings, this particular positioning should enable pure life energy, can create a direct connection between the solar plexus chakra (gut feeling/healthy digestion) and the third eye chakra (subconscious/consciousness/
well-being center) and should feed the morphogenetic energy field.
The BUBBLE² is preferably worn on the chest just below the sternum, near the area of the solar plexus.
Discover the power of Schumann frequencies with the BUBBLE² and experience the effect of four unique natural frequencies, which are included in the purchase price.
The B² is charged with the Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz and intensity level 1 as standard and can also be operated without an app.
Treat yourself to the ultimate experience for body and mind!
Experience ultimate comfort for your well-being in the autopilot mode of the BUBBLE². In addition to four powerful Schumann frequencies and three intensity levels, the basic package also offers fully automatic adjustment.
The BUBBLE² is the first portable FREQUENCY device that can retrieve the measured values of these Schumann field conditions automatically via an intelligent inductive charging station. By simply placing it on the charging station for a few seconds, the BUBBLE² is always kept up to date to compensate for the anomalies that now occur daily, ensuring that you always get the right frequency at the right time.
Your path to greater well-being has never been so easy!
The easy to use frequency wheel on the App offers setting options aligned with your chosen frequency package. With full activation using the complete frequency package, you can select frequencies up to 1,000 hertz.
Customize your BUBBLE² precisely to your individual requirements. By saving your preferred frequencies in a practical frequency list, you have quick access to use them at any time.
Indispensable “B²” in-App tools offer the convenience of diversity to the fullest.
All important information at a glance:
– 3 x Zoom
– Information texts
– Share your observations with friends
– Automatic updating of graphics
Data in real time, directly from the Tomsk measuring station!
Want to find out more about the BUBBLE²?
Download our exclusive brochure and discover detailed information about the unique features, positive effects and technological innovations behind this fascinating piece of frequency wearable.
Customize each day of the week according to your needs with the daily plan:
The daily schedule input form offers you the flexibility to configure each day of the week according to your personal preferences and needs.
In this way, you can optimize the “B²” individually to compliment your daily rhythm of activity or rest. This daily plan forms the basis for your weekly schedule!
The BUBBLE² App presents an innovative function called the weekly planner. Specially developed for the optional frequencies, this plan allows you to customize it to your individual needs. Your BUBBLE² automatically switches to the desired frequencies at the times you specify.
Organize your week precisely according to your wishes - simply select the appropriate frequency for your working hours, sports, rest periods, etc.
The planner allows you to customize your daily or weekly schedule with a maximum of 12 program changes.
The BUBBLE² combines leading German technology with Swiss engineering and is thoughtfully made of medical grade bio-compatible materials.
Its unique electronic concept includes magnetic coils, powerful intelligent control electronics, and light pulses.
The interchangeable cover allows you to design your device according to your personal taste.
The B² is splash-proof and can easily be updated using the intelligent inductive charging unit via infrared (without Bluetooth or Wi-Fi radiation) and is easy to update. You can replace the battery yourself as needed.
The prestigious GERMAN DESIGN AWARD jury was thrilled:
Our BUBBLE² impressed with its blend of style and function, earning recognition as an outstanding example of the fusion between design, technology, and well-being.
Professional designers see the B² not just as an accessory, but as a statement – which makes it the perfect, award-winning gift idea for Christmas.
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