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Nik Gleim is an expert in the field of P.E.M.F. technology with over twenty-five years of experience. He started his professional career in Munich in 1996, selling computer hardware and software and carrying out network installations.
In 1999, Gleim founded his first production round of P.E.M.F. products. More than 25 years down the road he became an Expert in creating new products from scratch and bringing them successfully into the worldwide market. “Playing the piano on each key” is what makes his profession complete.
Chris Klinsky is responsible for building and training a global network of CENTROPIX sales partners. He’s an experienced sales manager with over 20 years of professional experience in managing, leading, and training global teams of up to 11’000 salespeople. He started his career as a sales manager in various real estate, insurance, and finance companies before gaining a foothold in the wellness and health industry. Chris was also the managing co-owner of a large investment consulting firm for nine years and the managing partner of a coaching and training company for sales for over six years and knows exactly what it takes to build an international, strong sales team.
Close Pop-upGeorge has been a direct selling titan for 30 years and helped revolutionize the network marketing industry.
After graduating from Indiana University, George discovered direct sales and quickly made a career as a senior sales rep at Fund America, Quorum, Quantum Leap, Melaleuca, Immune-26, Enagic.
With the latest groundbreaking products inthe sectors of the electromagnetic field and frequency applications as well asunprecedented, patented bio-tech products, we fascinate people and animals bycreating a new, holistic level of quality of life.
Our mission is to take mental and physical well-being to the next level. The luxury of quality living is now accessible to everyone. Anyone who once felt overworked burnt out, and lacking in energy can experience a
180-degree turnaround to a state of balance and pure life energy with CENTROPIX.
Different than the rest. That‘s what we are, that’s what we stand for. The products and the business opportunities we offer at CENTROPIX, how we think, and also how we act, make us stand out from the rest. Our focus is on helping build successful people, in an environment of free development, being heard, and fostering a like-minded mission.
Our founders have all experienced successful and extensive backgrounds in sales, and that is why they understand the needs of the affiliate and the client . Our four founders: George Gasich, Chris Klinsky, and Nik Gleim stand for a promising future.
Humans are constantly evolving. New technologies, new possibilities, new solutions to problems. We work every day to meet the needs of our customers and partners. Every day, we strive to inspire with innovations and give our partners the opportunity to live self-determined.
CENTROPIX wants to fight an existing custom in the network marketing industry and give partners what they are always promised: real independence, room for development, and the opportunity to build something of their own – also in combination with other products/distributors.
Most Network companies do not allow you to transfer your business/Team if you pass away or want to be retired. Just recommend us the person you would like to take over and after a positive background check, you can transfer your entire business.
You'll have the opportunity to manage your marketing website, establishing your own online presence. Access a wealth of schooling and educational materials to enhance your knowledge and skills, engage in both online and live training sessions to stay current and sharpen your expertise, and stay ahead of the curve with the latest information available. You can also utilize a diverse set of marketing materials and tools to expand your reach and effectiveness. Your personalized backoffice will contain all the necessary information you need such as tools for Social-Media, Exhibitions and Events, Merchandising, and way more.
If you reach the rank of Director in 3 months CENTROPIX supplies on a 6 month loan basis up to 5 KLOUD Complete Sets (valued at 25,000 EUR/CHF) to help boost your business.
3 International Bonus Pools are available.
Bonus Pools allow another chance to be rewarded by sharing of the global company revenue. When benefits are not collected due to non qualification, the balance rolls into the next month.
CENTROPIX wants to fight an existing custom in the network marketing industry and give partners what they are always promised: real independence, room for development, and the opportunity to build something of their own – also in combination with other products/distributors.
Most Network companies do not allow you to transfer your business/Team if you pass away or want to be retired. Just recommend us the person you would like to take over and after a positive background check, you can transfer your entire business.
You'll have the opportunity to manage your marketing website, establishing your own online presence. Access a wealth of schooling and educational materials to enhance your knowledge and skills, engage in both online and live training sessions to stay current and sharpen your expertise, and stay ahead of the curve with the latest information available. You can also utilize a diverse set of marketing materials and tools to expand your reach and effectiveness. Your personalized backoffice will contain all the necessary information you need such as tools for Social-Media, Exhibitions and Events, Merchandising, and way more.
If you reach the rank of Director in 3 months CENTROPIX supplies on a 6 month loan basis up to 5 KLOUD Complete Sets (valued at 25,000 EUR/CHF) to help boost your business.
3 International Bonus Pools are available.
Bonus Pools allow another chance to be rewarded by sharing of the global company revenue. When benefits are not collected due to non qualification, the balance rolls into the next month.
We believe in sustainability through a unique lens: that of our customers. Our approach involves not just creating products, but co-developing solutions that resonate with our customers needs while minimizing environmental impact.
We are committed to using recyclable materials in our manufacturing processes. From inception to completion, our products are designed with the environment in mind, ensuring minimal waste and maximum recyclability.
Through the update capabilities embedded in our devices, the results of ongoing research are seamlessly integrated into our products. With just a simple click, our devices evolve and stay relevant, making them a sustainable choice for a lifetime.
We are dedicated to fostering sustainability beyond our products. Two percent of our profits go towards supporting impactful and sustainable projects, reinforcing our commitment to creating a better world.
Become part of a community of like-minded people whose goal is to be an entrepreneur and, more importantly, help others in a meaningful way. As a CENTROPIX Independent Affiliate, you become your own boss and decide for yourself when, where and how much you work.
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Die Zustellung erfolgt in der Regel von Montag bis Freitag, ausser an Feiertagen. Die Lieferzeit beträgt im Normalfall 3-5 Arbeitstage. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf der Website Ihres Spediteurs über den aktuellen Zeitplan und eventuelle Ausnahmen.
CENTROPIX versendet nur an physische Adressen, keine Postfächer. Bestellungen mit einer Zwischensumme von mehr als 250 € erfordern eine Unterschrift bei der Auslieferung. CENTROPIX versendet über die Österreichische Post.
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